Node Configuration and Setup

When launching an Arx node some metadata details must be provided about the node, and it must also be associated with a Node Operator which is a metadata entity representing the party who operates the Node. Multiple Arx nodes may share a single Node Operator entity if the operator runs multiple different Arx nodes on the Arcium Network.

Node Operators

Node Operators are metadata entities that represent the party who operates an Arx node. They have a one-to-many relationship with Arx nodes, meaning that Node Operators may run multiple nodes. The following metadata fields are associated with a Node Operator:

  • jurisdiction: follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code standard for jurisdictions (e.g. DE for Germany, FR for France, etc.).

  • url: a URL to a webpage representing the Node Operator (e.g. social media or a webpage detailing the services and reputation of the operator).

Given that these metadata fields are self-declared, the actual hardware location relative to the provided jurisdiction field is not verified by the Arcium Network, however location claims will be independently evaluated by the Arcium Network's community (along with an operator's team, security approach, transparency, cross-network reputation, etc.).


An Arx node's metadata is unique to that specific node and may vary from an associated Node Operator's metadata since a single operator may run multiple nodes in, for example, different jurisdictions. This node-specific metadata consists of the following fields:

  • ip & port: these fields correspond directly from the deployment of the node, specifying the details for RPC access to the Arx node.

  • jurisdiction: follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code standard for jurisdictions (e.g. DE for Germany, FR for France, etc.).

As with the Node Operator jurisdiction field, an Arx node's jurisdiction field isn't verified and therefore will also be independently evaluated by the Arcium Network's community.

Last updated