Performance and Reliability Tracking

Reputation is important to Arx Node Operators, since this is the fundamental criteria they are evaluated on. Both Computation Customers and 3rd-party stake delegators must critically evaluate the reputation of Arx nodes, since Computation Customers rely on them for trustworthy and efficient computation and 3rd-party delegators select the most reliable Arx nodes to delegate to in order to avoid incurring slashing penalties.

Off-chain reputation can be evaluated based on a wide variety of different criteria, such as team reputation, company transparency, infrastructure setup, etc. However, on-chain reputation is primarily evaluated based on an Arx node's historical slashing record, which encompasses all past instances of slashing for non-participation (e.g. downtime, system failure, etc.) and cheating (intentionally providing inaccurate results to computations). Of course, recently launched Arx nodes do not have extensive history yet, so evaluations of slashing records will typically account for the longevity of an Arx node's participation in the Arcium Network.

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