Sub-Node Delegation Rewards Distribution

The rewards received by each Arx node are distributed among the node's delegators on a pro-rata basis. Fees at a fixed rate (defined for each node independently) are deducted from each delegator's rewards and paid out to the associated Nodes (see the Node Operation Incentives section).

Rewards distributions follow the Arcium Network's epoch cycle, meaning that rewards are compounded at the end of each epoch. Reward compounding is automatic, however a delegator may choose to undelegate some of their stake in order to unlock their rewards. Following an undelegation request, one complete epoch must pass before the funds become liquid, however if the undelegation is invoked on new rewards earned from the current epoch then this stake becomes liquid at the end of the current epoch (a full epoch delay is not enforced in this case). Once unlocked, stake may be withdrawn to release the liquid rewards to the delegator.

Delegators may alternatively invoke a redelegation in order to change the Arx node that an existing delegation is staked to in a single call and without incurring a 2-epoch delay — which would otherwise be needed to do an undelegation of stake followed by a delegation.

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