How to Use This Documentation

This documentation serves to introduce and detail all aspects of the Arcium Network. If you are new to the world of Multi-Party Computation (MPC), we suggest beginning with the Basic Concepts and Terminology section; this section will bring you up to speed on MPC terminology, as well as give you a high-level introduction to all of the actors and concepts in the Arcium Network. After that, other network concepts are further elaborated on in greater detail in their dedicated docs sections (MXEs, Clusters, Arx Nodes, and Computations).

The Solana Integration section looks specifically at the role that the blockchain-integration plays in the Arcium Network, while the Staking section digs into the token economics of the Network.

We will be maintaining and expanding this documentation as the Network evolves and develops going forward, including expanding it with details on how to get involved with future Arcium testnets.

If you have any questions that are not covered in the docs, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Arcium team on Discord or X.

Last updated